Servant Leadership and Authentic Leadership

Is there an intersection between the concept of Servant Leadership and “Authentic Leadership”?  The Servant Leadership model was created by the former AT&T executive Robert Greenleaf and basically contemplated the fact that in order for leaders to get the most out of themselves and those they lead,  they must first commit to serving others.  But what is “Authentic Leadership” then?  I welcome input on this very important ingredient contained in the “8 Traits of Great Leadership” that I posed in my post yesterday.
Below is an excerpt from Michael Hyatt article in defining “Authentic Leadership”. His descriptions are really excellent:
  1. Authentic leaders have insight. Sometimes we refer to this as vision,but that usually has exclusive reference to the future. While leaders must have vision, they need more. They need wisdom and discernment. They need to be able to look at complex situations, gain clarity, and determine a course of action.
  2. Authentic leaders demonstrate initiative. They go first. They don’t sit on the sidelines. They don’t ask others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves. 
  3. Authentic leaders exert influence. It’s no coincidence that influence and influenza (the flu) come from the same root word. Real leaders are contagious. People “catch” what they have. People are drawn to their vision and their values. They are able to gather a following and move people to act. To change metaphors, they are like human wave pools, creating a ripple effect wherever they go.
  4. Authentic leaders have impact. At the end of the day, leaders make a difference. The world is changed because of their leadership. They are able to create real and lasting change. Unless something has shifted, they aren’t leaders. They are only entertainers. There is a big difference. The measure of leadership cannot be found in the leader; it is found in the impact the leader has on his or her followers.
  5. Authentic leaders exercise integrity. Not every leader is benevolent. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were all leaders, they had insight, initiative, influence, and impact. Yet their lives were not integrated with the highest values. Integrity—or the lack thereof—ultimately determines the quality of a person’s impact. In a sense, this is the foundation of authentic leadership.

“Leaders must be deliberate and intentional if they are to be successful. These five qualities can guide us as we grow in our ability to lead”

An additional quote below also explains the “Authentic Leadership model”:

“Authentic leaders, according to Bill George, genuinely desire to serve others through their leadership.  They are interested in empowering the people they lead to make a difference; more than they are interested in power, money or prestige for themselves.  They are guided equally by the heart and the mind – practicing heart-based guidance grounded in passion and compassion,  as well as thoughtful leadership grounded in the qualities of the mind.   They lead with purpose, meaning and values.  And their people relationships are extremely strong.  People follow them because they are consistent, reliable and strong.  When they are pushed to go beyond their beliefs and values, they will not compromise.  They are dedicated to personal growth and learning because they believe that becoming a leader takes a lifetime.”

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